Friday, September 24, 2010

Country Music for Cats

I image some of these artists prefer their six strings to be made of yarn, Chelsea and I came up with these. With Tim McClaw going to Chelsea's sister Colleen

Johnny Cats (Johnny Cash) - Self explanatory, he's the Cat in black! He'll walk the line for you assuming the line leads to his litterbox. He's killed a mouse in Reno just to watch it die, then to present to you for your approval. He's been married before but in his second marriage to his wife...

June Catsy Cats (June Carter Cash) - she's a sleek and beautiful one who is the only one that is able to tame the ring of fire in Johnny's heart. Feel free to call any boy kitten this pair makes Sue.

Alan Catson - Famed singer of the song "Catahoochee"

Tim McClaw - I had a bbq stain on my white t-shirt but I obsessively licked it off with my self grooming

Kitty Chesney - I can't figure out a way to work out "she thinks my tractor is sexy" joke

Keith Puuurrrban - for your Australian breeds

Meowrle Haggard - A stretch to say the least, so I guess I'll hold off on any more for right and I'll just stay here and drink (milk(out of a saucer))


Hi, my name is Canaan and one of my hobbies is to find out the punniest pet names. As I come across names or come up with them I'll put them up here with an explanation if the pun is a little obscure. I'll do my best to give credit when its not my idea. I'll do my best to make sure that the puns contained herein are at least mild amusing, at best funny, and at least groan inducing at least. Puns are quite finicky and I make no promises. Puns aren't meant to be funny as much as they're meant to show an individual's commitment to wit and creativity.